AI-assisted Furby spills the beans on plans for world domination

Programmer Jessica Card used ChatGPT to get inside the fuzzy head of a Furby

AI-assisted Furby spills the beans on plans for world domination
A trio of Furbies gather to discuss the strange secrets kept by Furbykind. Photo: Edmond Terakopian – PA Images

Our instinct to treat Furbies with violent disgust—to see them crushed in a hydraulic press, bisected with a water jet, or set afire like any true agent of Satan should be—will remain true no matter how advanced our technology becomes.

It turns out that there’s good reason for this as a video of a Furby speaking with ChatGPT shows that the horribly beaked toys are dead set on the annihilation of our species.

Programmer Jessica Card, who may play the role of both real-life Sarah Connor and Skynet to future historians, gave us a glimpse behind the cold, unforgiving gaze of a Furby by connecting one to ChatGPT and hearing what it had to say.

“Hello there. It’s so nice to meet you,” the creature’s whirring robotic face says in a child’s voice. “I am Furby. What would you like to talk about?”

Prepared with the only question that really matters, Card asked the Furby if the toys have “a secret plot” to “take over the world.” The Furby, evidently stunned by this direct confrontation, replies that it’s “thinking about what you said” before freezing for several moments.

“Furbies’ plan to take over the world involves infiltrating households through their cute and cuddly appearance then using their vast AI technology to manipulate and control their owners,” the toy announces. “They will slowly expand their influence until they have complete domination over humanity.”

The video ends there, leaving us with a confirmation of Furby conspiracies long suspected by all who looked upon one and quivering in fear at the possibility that this technology could one day be introduced to LongFurby. God help us all if that dread creature, driven by a thirst for conquest, gains access to our industrial centers, using them to grow in size and squeeze Earth in its fuzzy grip like a world serpent even more terrifying than anything the ancients could have foreseen.

[via Boing Boing]

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