Further Adventures In Press Releases
(From Movieguide.org)
Hollywood, Calif. – Movieguide®, the oldest and definitive family guide to movies and entertainment, has announced its list of the Top Ten Family Movies of 2006. The 10 movies will vie for the title of Best Family Movie of 2006 at Movieguide®'s 15th Annual Faith & Values Awards Gala and Report to the Entertainment Industry Tuesday, Feb. 20, at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills, Calif., affectionately known as The Crystal Teddy Bear Awards.
Catchy name. And it's fitting one too, because there are few objects as family-friendly as a hard, breakable, pointy statue in the shape of a cuddly stuffed animal. Also, if there's one thing that Hollywood needs, it's another awards show. So, which movies are nominated for the coveted Best Family Movie Crystal Teddy Bear Award handed out by a dubious-sounding website?
Among the nominees for Best Family Movie are such blockbusters as CARS, THE PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS, CHARLOTTE'S WEB, and ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWN, and smaller movies like THE NATIVITY STORY, EIGHT BELOW and AKEELAH AND THE BEE.
No surprises there. All of those movies certainly seem like solid family movies–especially if your family likes underwhelming films about Jesus' mom. Still, there are a few noticeable snubs here. For instance, what about the Ben Stiller romp Night At The Museum? Wasn't that a family movie? According to Movieguide.org's review yes it was, but it also had some anti-family problems. Namely, putting forth the view that evolution might have happened:
NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM is exciting, charming, tender, and amusing entertainment that teaches responsibility, self-control and the need for fathers being good role models, but some jokes about humanist evolution require a slight caution.
Oh, ok. So "family film" really means "fundamentalist Christian family film." In that case, Night At The Museum might be a little too, you know, pagan-y:
Mixed pagan worldview (Pa) done in a light comical vein designed for families, with a magical plot device based on mythical Egyptology (Pa) (although there are hints to the historical likelihood that some ancient Egyptians probably believed in divine resurrection of created beings)
Other than that, though, it was a great movie to take the (fundamentalist Christian) kids to.