FXX is going to win you over with a whole day of Parks And Recreation

FXX is going to win you over with a whole day of Parks And Recreation

FX’s new spinoff channel FXX likely already has your curiosity, what with its deployment of the extra “X” signifying that it’s for viewers who like their television extreme, and definitely not for lame-os. But now it’s angling for your attention, popping the sweet ollie that is launching its programming life with a back-to-back stretch of Parks And Recreation that’s destined to eat up your Labor Day, as you eat up your traditional Labor Day cake shaped like Grover Cleveland’s face. The “Treat Yo' Self” marathon kicks off Sept. 2 at 7 a.m. ET and runs until just before midnight, after which it’s time to go to bed and rest up for your continued contribution to America’s workforce.

And yes, granted, you could hold your own Parks And Recreation marathon right now if you wanted to, using DVDs or Netflix or backyard recreations. But the point is that FXX wants you to know that it’s going to be a safe, cool place where we can all be chill friends. And once it’s got your hooks in you, it’ll launch its original programming life with new episodes of It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia, The League, and Totally Biased With Kamau Bell on Sept. 4. FXX, you son of a bitch.

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