FYC: The TikTOscars

FYC: The TikTOscars
Photo: LIONEL BONAVENTURE / Contributor

There are those in the world who simply cannot resist the urge to do, plan, and organize. (This writer is one such person.) They are the people who start book clubs. They suggest new holiday traditions. They want to know if you want to come over for their weekly movie night (well, not anymore, but still). Sometimes these impulses take the form of lists, charts, and collections. And when you’re stuck in the house and can’t start a knitting night at your local pub, what do you do? You start creating such things on the internet, of course. Enter the TikTOscars.

That isn’t just a cute tweet. Writer Charlotte Abotsi has encouraged the people of the Twitterverse to submit nominations in all categories, with the only real rule being that the nomination has to be based on an actual category for the Academy Awards.

The submissions are predictably funny and weird and creative, as is only appropriate for TikTok, and we think this particular nomination is especially apt:

If you’ve not yet experienced the mind-altering jolt of starting to scroll through TikTok only to realize it’s been an actual hour and you have no idea what happened or where the time went or what’s going on, this is an… interesting time to get into that particular world. But it also means there are more entrants than ever in a few choice TikTok subgenres: teachers being sassy, medical professionals dancing while educating you about important stuff, and teens being smart about how messed up the world is. Case in point, the first of Abotsi’s TOscar nominees:

We’d like to submit this one for Best Adapted Screenplay:

We’re not sure this one quite qualifies for Best Original Score, but screw it, we’ll allow it. She deserves the recognition:

FYC, Best Documentary Feature:

If you want to submit your favorite TikToks to the TikTOscars, you have until midnight. Voting starts tomorrow. We are irrationally invested in making sure that Adam Ray wins something and that this masterpiece is in the hunt for Best Picture:

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