Game Of Thrones actress reacts to being recast by looking for other princess work

Note: This article contains spoilers for a three-month old episode of television.

The Game Of Thrones producers released a lot of new casting information at last weekend’s Comic-Con, mostly revolving around the inhabitants of Dorne, home of fan-favorite helmet-safety-promoter Oberyn Martell. But the producers also slipped in a bit of re-casting information, revealing that the role of Myrcella Baratheon, originally played by Aimee Richardson, is now in the hands of Nell Tiger Free.

You might be excused for asking, “Myrcella who?” upon hearing the news. After all, despite literary exterminator George R.R. Martin’s best efforts, the land of Westeros is absolutely infested with characters. And Myrcella, the middle child between Kings Joffrey and Tommen, hasn’t been seen on the series since the end of the second season, when she was shipped away to solidify the Lannister alliance with the fiery Dornish.

But Richardson clearly hadn’t forgotten, posting this response video back in April after Joffrey’s death in season four’s “The Lion And The Rose”.

But of course, her recasting means that said readiness is all for naught. And so, after the announcement, Richardson posted another video, titling it “Well this is embarrasing.”

But you know what they say: In the game of thrones, you win, or you make Vines.

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