Game Of Thrones broke a “setting people on fire” record

HBO’s Game Of Thrones adaptation has been lauded for its storytelling and technical achievements before, but the fantasy drama is now being singled out for setting a hot new record. The U.K.’s Daily Express spoke with Thrones stunt coordinator Rowley Irlam recently, who boasted that the show had set a new record for greatest number of people set on fire.This accomplishment wasn’t the result of the razing of the Great Sept of Baelor, though; it occurred earlier, in season five’s “The Dance Of Dragons.”

The fiery scene, which saw Daenerys’ dragon teaching the Sons of the Harpy some manners, required ”[setting] fire to 20 guys in one day and used a 45-ft flame thrower on a motion control crane so we could control the dragon.” Rowley believes the production set a new record in that instance, for the “most amount of people that had been set on fire in one day.” The stunt coordinator was quick to remind the publication that safety is of the utmost concern on set, but he was also obviously thrilled about the record-setting feat. And thanks to season six’s big showdowns, Game Of Thrones has now killed off way more people than any other show, including The Walking Dead, which means it’s really living up to that whole “valar morghulis” thing.

[via Uproxx]

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