Game Of Thrones’ John Bradley gives Chelsea a crash course on Westeros, incest

Game Of Thrones’ John Bradley gives Chelsea a crash course on Westeros, incest

We know how easy it is to lose track of just what’s going on in Game Of Thrones, which is why we provided our own “catch-up guide” ahead of the season seven premiere. HBO did its own version of this by running virtually every episode prior to “Dragonstone,” but it looks like Chelsea Handler missed that marathon. So the Chelsea host recruited John Bradley, who plays Samwell Tarly, to fill her in on Westerosi politics and dicks.

At Handler’s behest, Bradley walks her through all the sibling screwing that’s gone on at King’s Landing, though he insists that, despite all those wonderful Lannister kids, incest remains taboo. The British actor seems a tad surprised that they’re going over season one stuff, which Handler claims has just confused her even more. Things start to go left when they talk about the size of his sword, but that isn’t enough to throw Bradley off his game when it comes to keeping Thrones’ secrets. Like a good (er, grand?) maester in training, he denies that a photo he posted of himself with Kit Harington was taken on set, thereby crushing hopes that Sam and Jon are reunited this season—for now, anyway.

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