Garbage Pail Kids stick it to Morrissey and Radiohead in new sticker collection

The Garbage Pail Kids line of goofy gross-out cards and stickers may not be as shocking as it was in the ’80s, but its latest collection might freak out cool parents even more than the original Cabbage Patch Kids parodies freaked out lame parents. Yes, the Garbage Pail Kids have set their satirical sights on the world of music with a line of cards based around 2016 festival headliners.

As reported by The Future Heart (via Pitchfork), the acts getting lampooned include Arcade Fire, Beck, Morrissey, Radiohead, and The Roots, and Topps has now released a few preview images so you can see just how vicious these things are:

Okay, so they’re not especially biting or clever. But it is a pretty fun novelty to see Morrissey getting spooked by bacon on a Garbage Pail Kids sticker. Plus, there have to be a few hipster dads out there who would be totally heartbroken if they saw their kid with a “Lose Butler” sticker on whatever the 2016 equivalent of a Trapper Keeper is. The full collection is called “Best Of The Fest,” and it’s currently available for $50 on Topps’ website until September 5.

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