Garret Dillahunt denies playing a drug-stashing trucker in Braven

Deadline reports that Garret Dillahunt has just joined the cast of Braven, that Jason Momoa-led film about ruthless drug runners in the Pacific Northwest and the humble, hunky lumberjack (Momoa) who stands up to them. Dillahunt’s reportedly playing a “money-hungry trucker” who hides the drugs in the lumberjack’s house that draw the attention of some mercernaries. But while watching Dillahunt square off against Momoa sounds like a good way to pass the time until a Deadwood movie happens, that might not be the case here. By Dillahunt’s own estimation, he’s not one of the villains of the piece—or, at least, he’s not the rig-driving kind.

The actor posted on Twitter to thank Deadline for the casting shout-out while also refuting the description of his role.

Not at all who I play in this, @Deadline but appreciate the mention. @PrideofGypsies is a worthy adversary.

— Garret Dillahunt (@garretdillahunt) December 15, 2015

Dillahunt didn’t elaborate on whom he would play in the film, presumably preferring to let people dream up a spin-off for his loquacious Justified character. But it doesn’t sound like he will be fighting Momoa over any sweet stash, despite the latter’s worthiness as an adversary.

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