Gas up the El Camino for AMC's television premiere and Breaking Bad marathon

Gas up the El Camino for AMC's television premiere and Breaking Bad marathon

A Netflix movie premiering on… actual television?! Will wonders never cease? AMC has officially announced the network television premiere date for El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie, to be preceded by an epic Breaking Bad marathon—just in case you need a refresher on the life and crimes of Walter White and Jesse Pinkman. The marathon, which includes every episode from all five seasons of the award-winning AMC drama series, begins Sunday, January 19 at 4:00 PM ET and continues over five consecutive Sundays (wow, they really like the number five over there), presumably in an effort to enable your increasingly codependent relationship with the couch. The marathon will conclude with the television premiere of El Camino on Sunday, February 16 at 8:00 PM ET. The film, which follows the life of Aaron Paul’s Jesse in the immediate aftermath of the Breaking Bad series finale, previously debuted last October on Netflix.

But hey, there’s more: After revisiting all of those episodes and watching El Camino (or not, do whatever you want), you’ll be rewarded with the new season of Better Call Saul, which finally returns to AMC on Sunday, February 23 at 10:00 PM ET. Please be sure to congratulate Vince Gilligan on his giant pile of money.

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