Gayme Show's hosts offer up dueling lists for their Top 5 essential gay movies

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As creators and hosts of Quibi’s Gayme Show, Dave Mizzoni and Matt Rogers funnel their collective love of pop culture into hysterical, tongue-in-cheek games that challenge the straight contestants to think outside of their “hetero-worldviews.” In short, the conceit’s a blast, and it totally works thanks to Mizzoni and Rogers’ warm embrace of the television, music—and, yes, award-winning actresses—that have become points of fascination for the broader LGBTQ community. During our recent chat about the creation of Gayme Show, we decided to find out what makes the hosts tick, so we tasked them with naming their personal Top 5 essential gay movies. We were delighted to find that each took the assignment differently, with Rogers offering up (mostly) recent indie darlings like Weekend and Call Me By Your Name, while Mizzoni went the campier route, opting for nostalgic favorites like The Parent Trap and Legally Blonde. Together, the lists complement each other well and highlight the reference-heavy comedy that informs the gonzo gay world of Gayme Show.

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