Gaze into the Beef ’n Cheddar abyss with the Nihilist Arby’s Twitter account

It’s safe to say that more than a few dark nights of the soul have taken place at an Arby’s. There are some spiritual conditions, after all, that can only be solved by soaking pound after pound of thin-cut roast beef in Arby’s Sauce and washing it down with endless refills of regret and Dr. Pepper. Sadly, the current Arby’s promotional slogan (“We have the meats!”) fails to tap into the emotional state of so many of the company’s customers. Luckily for all involved, there’s a new parody Twitter account devoted to capturing the emotional experience of subjecting yourself to a heaping handful of Beef ’n Cheddars and accepting that your body is simply a flesh engine for turning roast beef into crap: Nihilist Arby’s.

Operating under the cheerful description “Life is an empty void and we sell sandwiches in it,” @Nihilist_Arbys channels its marketing moxie into capturing the dark realization that all roads to lead to two places: Arby’s, and the grave. True to its word, the account proves that it really could care less about the consequence of its horsey sauce-soaked actions:

Of course, it’s not all angst and darkness. Nihilist Arby’s would like to remind you to live in the moment:

The account is also full of fun activities to perform at participating Arby’s:

And finally, it’s important to remember that Arby’s accepts you, from within the spiraling curly fry of nothingness that is human existence:

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