Gemma Correll draws our first Comics Week loser superhero: Possum Girl

Superheroes are usually winners, taking home the first-place prize in their respective fields, whether that’s ass kicking, Nazi busting, or diminishing to the size of an ant. Comics Week is full of such champions, so to even the score between the winners and the losers, we asked asked some of our favorite illustrators to draw us a loser superhero.

Gemma Correll is an expert when it comes to satirizing problems both real and “first world”—she takes down women’s depiction in media alongside millennial slacker ennui, all in fun, deceptively simple drawings. She’s responsible for those “Pugs Not Drugs” T-shirts, and her latest book, The Worrier’s Guide To Life, collects some of her best recent work. She also illustrated a new children’s book, Pig And Pug.

Loser Superhero #1: Possum Girl

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