General Mills is giving us Girl Scout cookies cereal next year

Once a year, the Girl Scouts make it okay to eat cookies for lunch and dinner. Now, General Mills is folding breakfast into the mix. The Minneapolis Star-Tribune reports that the Cheerios juggernaut is collaborating with the national nonprofit organization to release cereals based on the Scouts’ two most popular brands of cookies.

Details are scarce, but the two announced flavors—Thin Mints and Caramel Crunch, the latter modeled on the caramel and coconut-spattered Samoas—will be available for a limited time starting in January. It’s unknown whether new flavors will be introduced, but we’d encourage Lemonades not to get too excited. Nobody likes you, Lemonades.

This is shaping up to be a big year for the Girl Scouts. In August, they announced two new S’mores cookies to celebrate the organization’s 100th anniversary in 2017. And, just a few weeks ago, it was revealed that the Scouts would partner with Netflix to help promote STEM learning in conjunction with the Netflix series’ Project Mc².

General Mills will release more information as the launch date approaches, though they probably won’t be selling at the Oscars next year.

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