George Carlin’s archives are now part of the National Comedy Center

Legendary comedian George Carlin died in 2008, and apparently he left behind a big enough collection of general stuff for it to be considered “archives.” Now, his daughter Kelly Carlin has donated this collection of stuff to the National Comedy Center in New York so future generations will be able to learn about the things Carlin owned before he died. The press release says the collection includes “extensive creative files, annotated set lists, handwritten journals, scrapbooks, awards, letters, clothing, arrest records, and countless hours of video and audio recordings containing both released and unreleased material.” These items—which really do seem to merit use of the word “archives”—will be put on display in the Comedy Center’s “museum experience,” which is set to open in 2017.

Discussing why she decided to donate her father’s things, Kelly Carlin said that “there comes a time in one’s life when it’s time to let go of our parent’s stuff,” so it just worked out that her father happened to be a famous comedian whose stuff is interesting enough to be put in a museum instead of just thrown in the trash. Kelly Carlin also said that she’s “truly excited” that her father’s possessions will have a permanent home, and she “can think of no other place for [his] legacy to be permanently honored, archived, and preserved for future generations.”

You can see a preview of Carlin’s archives at the Comedy Center’s website, though there’s no word on if holograms will be involved.

UPDATE: Kelly Carlin herself has now confirmed that there will be no hologram.

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