Germs Drummer Arrested For Possession Of Soap

In a story widely reported via Myspace bulletins and blogs over the weekend (and reprinted here in this post via Idolator), Germs drummer Don Bolles was arrested last week when Newport police officers pulled him over for a broken tail light and, after searching his van, discovered a bottle of Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Liquid Castille Soap. As any of your macrobiotic eating, co-op shopping, herb-recommending friends can tell you, Dr. Bronner's is made from hemp seed oil, and after a field drug test conducted by the suspicious officers came up positive, Bolles was incarcerated with the bail set at $25,000 (he was released on Sunday). Bolles now faces up to 20 years in prison. Contributions to Bolles' legal fund can be made to the Paypal account set up at [email protected].

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