Get an early look at Game Of Thrones’ “Battle Of The Bastards”

[Fair warning: If you scroll through these photos from the “Battle Of The Bastards,” you risk spoiling Game Of Thrones’ penultimate season six episode for yourself. Well, sort of—as usual, they don’t reveal much.]

Game Of Throneswill unleash the Battle Of The Bastards” on its viewers in the penultimate episode of season six in just four days, which means fans should brace themselves for a deluge of non-information from HBO’s marketing team. Oh, sure, we know the titles of the last two episodes, but the pay-cable channel has opted not to release anymore synopses—not that those vague snippets ever told us much. We do have a little something to work with, now that some vigilant fans hacked the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, i.e., read through the Emmy consideration ballots: Someone’s going to surrender (or die), and someone’s going on trial (and possibly die after). If you don’t think that’s enough information to inform your bets in our dead pool, maybe there’s a clue in these episode nine photos that will give you an edge.

[Note: All images herein are courtesy of HBO.]

To start with, here’s a pensive Jon Snow (is there any other kind?), followed by a glowering Ramsay Bolton. So that’s one … two … yep, two bastards. So far, this checks out.

Judging by the ponytail, that’s Jon Snow facing off against a cavalry, which could very well be full of bastards.

And here’s a battlefield. Well, now we’re getting somewhere.

Ser Davos looks ready to lay siege to Winterfell. (Also, this is our favorite horse so far.)

This is probably a photo of Sansa and Jon before the climactic battle, but how great would it be if this were taken after they took back their ancestral home?

Here’s Tormund Giantsbane, looking way cooler than he does in those Wyndham ads.

And speaking of giants:

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