Get Involved, Internet: Fund a documentary about "Log Lady" Catherine E. Coulson

Although she acted for many years, on both stage and screen, Catherine E. Coulson—who died in 2015, just days after filming her final scenes for the revived Twin Peaks— was best known for her association with director David Lynch. The two met on the set of Lynch’s first film, Eraserhead, where Coulson—then married to the film’s star, Jack Nance—served in a number of behind-the-scenes roles in its long production. 15 years later, Lynch incorporated Coulson into the dense mythology of his TV hit , casting her in the iconic role of Margaret Lanterman, a.k.a. “The Log Lady.”

Now, director Richard Green—who knew Coulson for many years, and who appeared in Lynch’s Mulholland Drive—has launched a project to try to tell more of her life story, which encompassed not just her work as a wood-toting granter of cryptic wisdom, but also as a talented camerawoman (including a credit on Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan), and stage actress with the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Green is currently running a Kickstarter to help his film—which will feature appearances from Lynch, reminiscing about his old friend—get made.

Unsurprisingly, most of the campaign’s pledge rewards are lumber-related: You can get a tree planted in your name at a “Log Lady Grove” in L.A., for instance, or—if you’re willing to shell out $250—get your very own hand-crafted “Answer Log,” which appears to be a Magic 8-Ball filled with vaguely Lynch-y phrases. (Answer Logs carry no guarantee of having witnessed a cosmically-significant murder on any given night.)

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