Get Involved, Internet: Future Of The Left wants your cash for a new album, because they've "had enough of labels" 

Get Involved, Internet: Future Of The Left wants your cash for a new album, because they've "had enough of labels" 

A.V. Club favorites Future Of The Left—the band's last two albums have made our year-end best-of list—recently announced that they're "done with labels," and that they'll be using PledgeMusic to fund a fourth, self-released album. As is his custom, singer-guitarist Andy Falkous expounded on his reasons at length, wrestling with the idea that pre-funding an album might be "inappropriate" but reasoning that it's really just a "fancy pre-order." (Indeed, there's only one ridiculously over-the-top pledge level, and we're pretty sure he's kidding about the "Brewster's Millions Package.") His entire post can be read here, which is also conveniently the page at which you can make a pledge (and learn about the other releases FOTL has planned for 2013.) There's also a funny video there, also embedded below. Oh, and if you didn't read our Hatesong feature with Mr. Falkous, you really should.

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