Get involved, Internet: Help bring a 9-foot Hulk statue (and some computers) to a Chicago-area public library

Get involved, Internet: Help bring a 9-foot Hulk statue (and some computers) to a Chicago-area public library

Faced with budget cuts, a greater demand for graphic novels than it could supply, and no giant superhero statue of its own, Northlake Public Library in Illinois has turned to crowdfunding via IndieGoGo. The library wants to buy more graphic novels, install a digital lab that allows patrons to produce their own comic creations, and (this is the best part) build a 9-foot Incredible Hulk statue to promote the collection and attract reluctant readers. In an email to The A.V. Club the library explains,

“We believe this one of the first times a library has done a crowdfunding campaign to supplement its budget. Hopefully this will catch on [and] open doors for more libraries to take a chance when trying to fill their budget.  Also, yes this was partially inspired by the Robocop statue in Detroit. We figured if they can do that we can do something similar to help a library.”

With an end date of June 8, the library has raised $2,400 of its $30,000 goal so far. Anyone who's ever been transformed by a library book or stolen those little library pencils for personal use and wants to pay the experience forward and/or backward, head over to the campaign page and donate.

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