Get Involved, Internet! Help bring the story of Mad magazine to the big screen 

Since Mad magazine was founded in 1952, it has schooled multiple generations of smartasses and class clowns in the poisonous hypocrisy of the adult world. It taught kids to be righteously cynical about the materialistic madness of capitalist society, though some of its ideological purity was compromised when it began running ads in 2001.

Mad has been a formative influence on everyone from “Weird Al” Yankovic to our sister publication The Onion, yet astonishingly, the story of this seminal American institution has never been brought to the big screen. Director Alan Bernstein hopes to change that with When We Went Mad! A Documentary Of Ecch-ic Proportions, a film chronicling the magazine’s development through the decades. But he needs your help! Bernstein is looking to raise $50,000 on Kickstarter to complete his film, and is a little over halfway past his goal, with nine days remaining. Considering the magazine’s impact and legacy, it’s shocking that a film like this doesn’t already exist, but you now have an opportunity to help correct that oversight.

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