Get Involved, Internet: Help Fight Club’s Chuck Palahniuk make a movie version of Lullaby
Chuck Palahniuk’s post-Fight Club novels exist on a very narrow sliding scale, with “Frustrating Failure” on one end, and “Frustrating Success” on the other. Of them, Lullaby is the one that probably rests the closest to the success side, telling a story that merges Palahniuk’s real feelings of grief over the murder of his father, with the magical realism, fascination with the grotesque, and narrative trickery for which he’s somewhat infamously known.
Now, Lullaby is angling to get the same book-to-movie treatment that rocketed Fight Club to international acclaim (and Choke to a series of protracted shrugs). And you lucky folks can be a part of it, with Palahniuk teaming up with Portland-based director Andy Mingo for a Kickstarter to raise money for the film. Like all internet panhandling, the project comes with a video explaining its goals (and indulging in a truly awkward bit of Palahniuk-mimicking narration and in media res), and, if nothing else, can serve as a video guide to how the author pronounces his own last name.
For those of you willing to ignore the meaninglessness of celebrity worship, or the inevitable collapse of all financial institutions, Mingo and Palahniuk are also offering the usual slate of Kickstarter rewards, including screenplays, props, and a set visit with Mingo. (Notably, a meet-and-greet with the author himself isn’t available at any price, unless the Kickstarter itself has a shocking twist, and he and the director—or maybe producer Josh Leake—turn out to be one and the same.)