Get Involved, Internet: Help finish Orson Welles’ final film

Last year, we reported—for the second time—that Orson Welles’ unfinished film, The Other Side Of The Wind, might finally see the light of day. Or rather, the dark of a movie theater. After years of wrangling over legal issues, film distributor Royal Road bought the rights from the various parties involved, meaning most of the obstacles were resolved. However, there now remains one final task: actually finishing the film. To that end, the people behind The Other Side Of The Wind have launched an Indiegogo campaign to finance that last, arguably most important step.

Although Welles finished shooting The Other Side Of The Wind, he never managed to finish post-production. The majority of the funds raised will go towards editing—overseen by director and Welles protege Peter Bogdanovich—as well as scanning and processing the movie. As with any good online campaign, there’s a variety of rewards for donating, from posters to Blu-rays to (weirdly) knockoffs of the terrycloth robe that Welles would often wear during filming. And if you’ve got a spare $25,000 lying around, you can net yourself a 35mm print of the finished film, which you can then watch alone, over and over, in the confines of your darkened home, wondering where it all went wrong. Or just start with the $10 level. Your choice.

[via Collider]

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