Get Involved, Internet: Help fund a documentary about a family circus produced by Jon Hamm and Jennifer Westfeldt

Lorenzo Pisoni grew up under unusual circumstances. His father Larry Pisoni and mother Peggy Snider founded the Pickle Family Circus in 1974, and Lorenzo grew up in the center ring as a sidekick in his father’s clown act, watching his sister Gypsy (who created the circus work in the Broadway revival of Pippin) stand on his father’s head, and longing to open his father’s closet to find a normal suit instead of oversized clown getups.

Lorenzo has been performing a one-man show titled Humor Abuse created in collaboration with director Erica Schmidt based on his experiences, and after working opposite Jennifer Westfeldt this past summer in The Explorers Club, the opportunity for a documentary cropped up, with Westfeldt and her husband Jon Hamm attached as producers. (And Lorenzo has a great reason for turning to Kickstarter: “It’s like the NEA with less paperwork.”)

The rewards range from tickets to see Humor Abuse live and screening of a rough cut to wacky things like juggling classes. And stick around until the end of the campaign video to see a bearded Jon Hamm messing around in the background.

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