Get Involved, Internet: Help fund a documentary about Jeopardy! champ Arthur Chu

Arthur Chu fascinated Jeopardy! fans during his lengthy run on the show earlier this year. Now, if a new Kickstarter succeeds, Chu will be fascinating even more people via a new documentary about both his run on the show and the man himself. Who Is Arthur Chu? is described as a look at “the new king of the nerds” and will document Chu’s life in Ohio and he travels to Taiwan, as well as his time filming the Jeopardy! Tournament Of Champions in Los Angeles. The film will provide the first look behind the scenes at Jeopardy! since 1989 (or so the filmmakers say), and will also examine issues of race and the new American dream.

Who Is Arthur Chu? hopes to raise $50,000 in the next month. Donors to the project get copies of the film itself, early access to footage, posters, and T-shirts. Donors who kick in $1,000 or more get a Google Hangout with Chu, during which they’ll get to play some trivia against the champ.

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