Get Involved, Internet: Help fund Adam Nimoy’s documentary about his dad

As was predicted on the prophetic pages of this very site, Adam Nimoy’s tribute film to his late father Leonard Nimoy, now has a Kickstarter campaign to help with funding. Titled For The Love Of Spock, Nimoy’s film was started while his father was still alive, focusing on his famous Star Trek character with an eye toward the franchise’s 50th anniversary. But in light of Nimoy’s death in February, the project has transformed into a wider retrospective of the man’s career, with latter-day Spock Zachary Quinto providing narration. As mentioned on the Kickstarter page, the film will also inject elements of Adam Nimoy’s own life into the narrative, with an eye on what life is like when your dad both is, and is not, Spock.

The Kickstarter carries a hefty $600,000 goal, at least some of which will go towards licensing photos and video of Nimoy’s performances as the famous green-blooded spaceman. Backers will be rewarded with Nimoy memorabilia, although it looks like most of the limited autographed pictures at the $600 tier have already been snapped up by fans. Adam Nimoy lays it all out in his introduction video for the campaign, which, if you’re anything like this particular Newswire writer, you will spend staring at his face and its almost hypnotic resemblance to his father’s, and then have to rewind and watch again.

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