Get Involved, Internet: Help George Romero’s son make a zombie prequel

With full acknowledgement of the hypocrisy of publicly supporting the creation of another zombie movie after all the shit I’ve talked about zombie movies, George Romero’s son, Cameron Romero, is making a prequel to Night Of The Living Dead, and we’re all invited…to give him money.

The project is called Origins, and investigates—you got it—the origins of the zombie virus that takes over Pittsburgh, and then the world, and then some kid who refuses to turn his damn camera off, in old Pappy Romero’s Dead series. Unsurprisingly, the virus begins with a military experiment, conducted by a doctor hoping to find a way for mankind to survive a nuclear apocalypse. (“But at what cost?,” he looks directly into the camera and whispers. “At what cost?”)

Cameron Romero is hoping to jump-start production on the movie with $150,000, with investors lined up to provide the rest if the fundraising goal is met. Rewards include joining the Romeros’ “brain trust” for $30 on the low end and the opportunity to be killed, reanimated, and then killed again (in the movie, of course) for $10,000 on the high end. Cameron Romero’s stated intent with the project is to “reclaim the genre in the name of my family”—and his dad got majorly screwed on the rights to Night Of The Living Dead—so if fast zombies really piss you off, click on over to Indiegogo and give the Romeros your chaaaaaaaaaaaange. (Sorry, couldn’t help it.)

[via Variety]

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