Get up close and personal with one of the world’s best slices of Sicilian pizza

Get up close and personal with one of the world’s best slices of Sicilian pizza

Lost somewhere in the middle of the never-ending New York-Chicago pizza debate is the Sicilian-style pie. Its airy crust is far thicker than the typical flatbread-like New York pie, but it’s not quite as thick as Chicago’s traditional deep dish and lacks that pie’s towering walls of crust. Sicilian lands somewhere in between, a fluffy rectangular pizza cut into glorious, doughy squares, and the folks at First We Feast have published an up-close-and-personal profile with one of the most acclaimed, straight-up sexy slices around: Prince Street Pizza’s Soho Square.

In the video, Dominic Morano, the son of the pizzeria’s founder, explains what goes in to making this particular slice of baked heaven, from the olive-oiled up cast-iron pans to the inverted sauce-over-cheese top. Morano also tries to dispel the myth of the greasy little pepperoni cups, claiming the bubbling liquid that collects at the bottom of them is olive oil, which is good for you. He promises.

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