Ghost stories go arthouse in this trailer for Kristen Stewart’s Personal Shopper

To a lot of the moviegoing public, both Kristen Stewart and movies about ghosts have a bit of a reputation for, you know, badness. That’s because some people still choose to think of Stewart as nothing more than the girl from Twilight, and the countless awful horror movies about ghosts that have come out over the years have set the bar so low that even mediocre stuff like the latter Paranormal Activity sequels can make good money. To the more worldly moviegoers, though, films like Clouds Of Sils Maria have made Stewart into an arthouse star, and ghost stories are…still not usually anything special. That just might change with Personal Shopper, the next film from Clouds Of Sils Maria director Olivier Assayas, which stars Stewart as a young woman who may or may not be able to communicate with the ghost of her dead brother. Personal Shopper received a rather mixed response at Cannes in May, so it could end up going either way, quality-wise.

You can see a trailer for Personal Shopper up above, and it’s supposed to be in theaters next March.

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