Ghostbusters 3 in question again, in report that you will be reading some version of for at least another year 

The prospect of Ghostbusters 3 has once again been downgraded to "dubious," beyond the fact that its very reason for existing is suspect, its planned storyline remains questionable, its choice to soldier on without Bill Murray continues to cause concern, and credibility-wise, its uncle thinks it's Saint Jerome, basically. But while all that's a big "yes" on the dubious thing, there's also the fact that Sony's current financial woes have delayed all decisions on actually making Ghostbusters 3 until after March—defying those recent reports that Ivan Reitman planned to defy the constant fan outcry by shooting it next summer. As of now, even if Sony manages to pull it together enough to fund new, old projects, the sequel couldn't begin until "fall at the earliest," meaning we could have as long as another year of discussing whether Ghostbusters 3 will or won't or definitely should not happen. Say, what color sweaters do you think we'll all be wearing this time next year when we're still talking about this? This whole "Fair Isle revival" fad will be over by then, right?

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