Ghostbusters character posters follow Star Wars’ lead, don’t feature any full faces

About a month ago, Disney released a batch of Force Awakens posters that featured dramatic, close-up shots of everyone’s faces, slightly obscured by some kind of unique accessory (Han Solo had his blaster, Finn had a lightsaber, Rey had her staff thing). Paul Feig’s Ghostbusters movie has now decided to use a similar tactic, releasing a group of posters focusing on the new characters but highlighting their familiar gadgets instead of their new faces. Probably by design, the posters don’t really give us much information about the new movie, but even the most dedicated misogynist has to admit that they’re pretty freakin’ badass.

The first one comes from Entertainment Weekly, and it features Kristen Wiig’s Erin Gilbert showing off a retro Ghostbusters logo patch.

Next is Leslie Jones’ Patty Tolan, which is from InStyle.

Here’s Melissa McCarthy’s Abby Yates from People, though she may actually think this is a new Rambo movie.

Finally, here’s Kate McKinnon’s Jillian Holtzmann (from Time) carrying a new proton pack (plus a subtle reference to the original Ghostbusters movie that you can figure out for yourself). Also, she looks like Egon from the Real Ghostbusters cartoon, which is also cool.

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