Ghosts, vampires, werewolves:  this headline writes itself

Ghostbusters 3 will probably never happen, and if it does, the odds of it being any good are about the same as the odds of writing an article about Joss Whedon that doesn't draw a lot of angry comments.  But just because the movie may never actually get made doesn't mean that people aren't being cast in it, as Cinema Blend reports that America's comedic sweetheart Anna Faris will be joining (maybe) Bill Hader and (possibly) Will Forte in playing something or other in the entirely theoretical film.  We'll bring you more of this hard-hitting reportage as it happens.

Meanwhile, creative superstar Tim Burton, while talking to the Vulture about someone whose name is apparently Cherry Vanilla, issued an important clarification about his next two films, Dark Shadows and Abraham Lincoln:  Vampire Hunter.  "I wouldn't say they're about vampires," Burton 'explained', further noting that "in Dark Shadows, there's a character that happens to be a vampire". George Carlin might have something to say about that, were he still with us.

And, in the last of our monster-related Newswire items, beloved ex-child star/notary public Butch Patrick — better known as juvenile werewolf Eddie from The Munsters — was the recipient of a family intervention, according to E! Online.  This took place after Patrick emerged from a lengthy stint in rehab, only to drink and drug himself into a series of near-fatal blackouts.  Our best wishes to Mr. Patrick on his recovery, of course, but the article mentions that he's been addicted to coke for forty years.  Even with werewolf strength, that's kind of awesome.

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