Giant Olympics-themed art takes over Rio

This new Olympics-themed art installation by French photographer and artist JR serves two purposes: It honors the best and brightest athletes in the world and it allows everyone in Rio to pretend they are teeny tiny people being visited by giant Olympians.

Perhaps that’s not as exciting for those who didn’t grow up reading Gulliver’s Travels and Thumbelina, but the art is impressive even if you never secretly dreamed of being only a couple inches tall. For the past few weeks, JR has been posting behind-the-scenes photos of the installations in progress on his Instagram.

And now he’s begun documenting the final products as well:

Interestingly, at least one of the installations depicts an athlete who isn’t actually at the games. Sudanese high jumper Mohamed Younes Idriss failed to qualify, but has made it there in spirit in JR’s work.

Meanwhile, JR has yet to indicate whether this swimmer is modeled after a particular athlete and/or the BFG.

[via Laughing Squid]

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