Gillian Anderson is co-writing a self-help guide for women

Perhaps trying to keep up with her co-star David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson has added a new book to her plate, which already includes an X-Files continuation and a third season of The Fall. Anderson published her first book, a novel about a very rational woman—who was definitely totally not Dana Scully, she swears—investigating a supernatural mystery, last year. This time around, she’s co-writing a “revolutionary self-help guide” for women with journalist Jennifer Nadel.

The self-help book, titled WE, will focus on the varied needs and desires of women. Anderson explains that the project will be aimed at women of all ages, from all around the world, and include transgender women and anyone who identifies as a woman. Anderson says WE is not intended as a political treatise, but she often speaks openly about feminism, women’s rights, and the way the film and television industry treats women. Even the characters she plays on television are often explicitly feminist, so her involvement in this latest project shouldn’t be much of a surprise.

WE’s release date will coincide with International Women’s Day on March 8, 2016.

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