Gilmore Girls gets narrated through Onion headlines

If you’re anything like us, The Onion is constantly narrating your life with clever quippy headlines. (And not just because Onion Inc. is The A.V. Club’s parent company.) So when Tumblr user Onegirlinalltheworld took screenshots from well-known episodes of Gilmore Girls and paired them with Onion headlines, it was like a carnival of sarcastic joy. How often does a show that consumed your life for seven years get narrated by your internal monologue?

Remember every time Michel was crabby?

Or when Dean and Jess were about to kill each other?

Who didn’t despise Logan’s adorable face?

And of course, Sookie’s undying love for pastries.

See the full set here. In the meantime, check out our other pieces about when Onion headlines get slapped on Star Wars and Pride And Prejudice memes.

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