Girl Meets World scores coveted Perez Hilton guest appearance

Really dialing into its core demographic—fans of decade-old gossip journalism and pictures of celebrities with semen crudely drawn on their faces—Disney Channel has announced that Perez Hilton will be guest starring on its second-season sequel series, Girl Meets World. The synergistic crossover actually makes a ton of sense, given the show’s reliance on nostalgic fondness for the distant past, which also happens to be the last time Hilton had even a whiff of cultural relevance. According to photos from the set, Hilton seems to be appearing as some sort of M.C. or announcer at what looks to be a cheerleading competition, in a role that hopefully keeps him far away from any kind of telestrator technology, Jesus Christ, please, for the sakes of all involved.

Anyway, speaking of Girl Meets World, apparently Mr. Turner was on a recent episode! That’s pretty cool, especially since it proves once and for all that he didn’t die in that motorcycle crash in season four. Hey, Mr. Turner! You’re looking good. Thanks for not drawing jizz on anything in the years since last we saw you (or at least not doing it publicly). You’re a class act.

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