Girlfriends’ Jill Marie Jones will be the female lead on Starz’s Evil Dead series

Surprising pretty much everybody, Starz announced back in November that it’s making a TV series based on Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead movies, complete with a gently used Bruce Campbell as the star. Then, suggesting that this isn’t all just some bizarre dream, Starz hired a couple of real, human actors to be in the show. Now we actually have to consider that maybe Starz really is making an Evil Dead show, because the network has hired Gilfriends’ Jill Marie Jones to co-star in the 10-episode series.

Jones—who has also appeared on Sleepy Hollow—will be Amanda Fisher, who The Hollywood Reporter describes as “a disgraced Michigan state trooper.” For some reason, she blames Campbell’s Ash for the murder of her partner, so she hunts him down in hopes of making him pay. However, once she realizes there’s some crazy Deadite stuff going on, the two of them begrudgingly team up.

Ash Vs. Evil Dead is set to premiere at some point later this year, assuming we’re not just hallucinating the whole thing. If that’s the case, we apologize for freaking everybody out with our weird ramblings.

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