Give yourself the present of Twin Peaks as Onion headlines

Give yourself the present of Twin Peaks as Onion headlines

The Lynchsplaining podcast turned the heads of owls and interdimensional entities yesterday when it paired stills from David Lynch’s enigmatic Twin Peaks with mind-numbing tweets from @dril, patron saint of the internet. The result was nearly as good as a brie and butter sandwich.

Now, after gifting us the image of Lynch’s Gordon Cole demanding access to “FUCKWEB,” the account’s pivoted to yet another inspired pairing: Twin Peaks and headlines from The Onion and ClickHole. Are we biased? Of course we are. The Onion and ClickHole are our beloved sister sites. Still, try and tell us each and every one of these isn’t damned fine.

We’re nearly two years out from Twin Peaks’ 25-years-in-the-making third season, and the show’s fanbase remains as devoted as ever—Lynchsplaining isn’t the only podcast still peeling back the mysteries of the director’s mind-bending saga, after all. Now that the show is (almost definitely) finished at this point, we can only wait for memes such as this to grace our timelines. Lacking that, there’s always @ominouswhoosh.

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