Glimpse into pop culture history with this massive archive of old newsreels

Glimpse into pop culture history with this massive archive of old newsreels

One of the internet’s best qualities is its ability to provide near-universal access to otherwise obscure media, making the rare ubiquitous in the process. It’s fantastic news, then, that the Associated Press Archive and British Movietone are uploading more than half a million videos of news and newsreels dating back to 1895 to YouTube. The Movietone channel, which covers events through 1986, contains a fascinating snapshot of attitudes toward the popular culture of its day, ranging from the zeitgeist-like (such this video of the Rolling Stones arriving in Sydney, Australia for the first time in 1965) to the head-scratching, like this video of the Kinks getting a haircut while a bemused narrator laments the sorry state of traditional gender norms, one cracked monocle away from losing his mind:

There’s much more on British Movietone’s YouTube page, which is being added to on a daily basis, ranging from commentary on the fashion of various eras to tabloid musings about the love life of Charlie Chaplin.


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