Go behind the scenes of SNL’s “Undercover Boss: Starkiller Base” sketch

Go behind the scenes of SNL’s “Undercover Boss: Starkiller Base” sketch

The highlight of last weekend’s Saturday Night Live was undoubtedly “Undercover Boss: Starkiller Base,” a video sketch that put Adam Driver’s Kylo Ren in costume and “undercover” as Matt, a member of his First Order staff. The sketch has been viewed almost 10 million times on YouTube and has gotten passed around the internet ad nauseum, which makes sense considering it’s both funny and Star Wars juggernaut friendly. Now, surely hip to the buzz, SNL has released a behind the scenes look at the filming of “Undercover Boss: Starkiller Base,” complete with bloopers, cut jokes, and a look at how Bobby Moynihan’s Stormtrooper ended up flying back into that fake vending machine. While Driver’s gaffes are charming, his cut lines and improvisations are even better, with “Matt” revealing that Kylo Ren is divorced (spoiler?!?!) and is, like, totally into the coolest stuff. As it turns out, he also doesn’t take kindly to any anti-Kylo breakroom nonsense.

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