Goblin Cock makes thrash-metal with a math-rock bent on “Island Island”

Goblin Cock occupies a unique space in the metal world. It’s a band capable of poking fun at genre tropes while lovingly recreating them in song. One look at the band’s latest album title, Necronomidonkeykongimicon, perfectly summarizes what Lord Phallus—the name used by Rob Crow (Pinback, Rob Crow’s Gloomy Place) when he’s performing with the group—strives for. The A.V. Club is premiering “Island Island” below, a song that takes a math-rock groove that’d be at home with one of Crow’s other bands and adds a powerful gallop. It segues into a straight-up thrash-metal bridge, showing that even though Goblin Cock skews toward the slower, stoner-rock side of things, it can still rip a solo with the best of them.

Necronomidonkeykongimicon is can be pre-ordered via Joyful Noise Recordings.

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