GoDaddy gives neo-Nazis the boot, as we all should

Violence erupted this weekend, as it is wont to do when neo-Nazis take to the streets with torches and firearms. Charlottesville, Virginia was the site of the first of several planned white supremacist rallies, where bigots goose-stepped in protest of the proposed removal of a Robert E. Lee monument and renaming of a park that commemorated the Confederate general. Counter-protestors at the scene were attacked by these hate-spewing, flag-carrying degenerates, including one white supremacist who allegedly crossed state lines to plow his car into them. The attack injured dozens of people, and killed activist Heather Heyer.

In the void created by a president who couldn’t bring himself to outright condemn these actions—Trump is already campaigning for 2020, and he’d hate to lose his base—the neo-Nazi site The Daily Stormer posted this awful “story” about the murder victim.

In response, The Root reports that GoDaddy, a web-hosting company best known for its questionable Super Bowl ads, managed to do what the commander-in-chief couldn’t (or wouldn’t)—issue a swift-ish reprisal by announcing it would end its hosting agreement with Daily Stormer.

Though the internet domain seller displayed the same kind of feet-dragging behavior as CNN did in putting up with Jeffrey Lord’s bullshit until recently—it’s not as if the Daily Stormer suddenly went from Jem character fan site to Third Reich lovers overnight—at least it acted somewhat decisively, which is more than we can say for the president.

In another unsurprising development, the neo-Nazis appear to be trying to push an anti-Semitic hoax to save face. As The Independent reports, the Daily Stormer appeared to have been hacked on Sunday, with the “credit” for the cyber attack supposedly being claimed by Anonymous “in defense of Jewish people.” In the message, the “hackers” threatened to shut the site down in 24 hours—the same amount of time GoDaddy gave the Daily Stormer to GTFO. Anonymous has already denied having anything to do with the incident, and has urged these citronella-wielding zealots to “suck less.”

[Note: The Root, like The A.V. Club, is owned by Univision Communications.]

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