Gone too far, this tattoo of Baby Yoda drinking a White Claw has

Gone too far, this tattoo of Baby Yoda drinking a White Claw has


Well, we knew this day would come sooner or later. It was a good run, folks, but all good things must come to an end, however prematurely it may seem to some of us. While we can’t know for sure just yet, today may very well be the day we must finally bid farewell to our dear, sweet Baby Yoda.

Suspected time of meme death: 5:25pm, December 4, 2019.

Potential cause: This guy showing off his new “Baby Yoda drinking a White Claw” tattoo.

“Ain’t no laws when baby yoda drinking claws,” tweeted Twitter user @brockmclaughlin, because, deep down, he must know as well as we do the laws of both God and man are now null and void after this. Could this be the end of Baby Yoda as we know him? Look at his face—even he seems aware his innocence has been unjustly robbed.

The Internet’s rebuke has been swift, but, of course, ineffectual. It would appear Baby Yoda Mania has crested, and there’s little, if anything, we can do about it.

Perhaps Baby Yoda will live on as a lil’ baby Force Ghost, although who the hell knows what tattoos that could inspire…especially after stumbling across one of this guy’s previous ink jobs.

(We can only assume both tattoo sessions went something like this.)

Anyways, we will continue to hope and pray Baby Yoda survives this. If nothing else, please let this be a reminder to the rest of you that, like hard seltzer, Baby Yoda must be used responsibly.

Update (12:45 p.m.): Writer Stefan Heck has thrown a wrench in this whole story by claiming that, actually, the Baby Yoda tattoo in question is his. Sure, his post arrived roughly two hours after @brockmclaughlin posted his, but, just as one shouldn’t trust the content of every post, they, too, should be wary of easily manipulated timestamps. This development definitively calls into question just who, exactly, got the tattoo first.

Heck’s claim hasn’t gone unnoticed by @brockmclaughlin, who’s taken to Heck’s mentions to claim that the tattoo is his.

Heck, not denying that @brockmclaughlin also has the tattoo, simply claims that he got the tattoo first.

Heck’s also got receipts.

In this era of Fake News and deepfakes, it’s impossible to know who’s telling the truth here. All we can do is listen to both sides.

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