Good morning: Here's a video of people opening a bike lock with a hand grenade

Good morning: Here's a video of people opening a bike lock with a hand grenade
Please bring your bicycle into another room before watching this video. Screenshot: Beyond The Press

If YouTubers are going to exert such a big influence on the modern media landscape, we can at least hope that they use their powers responsibly. Rather than burn expensive merchandise or sell unholy replicas of their newborn children to viewers, we’d prefer to see our internet video stars making more constructive use of their platforms. They can achieve this perhaps by creating nerve-soothing cleaning demonstrations, short documentaries about modern culture, or, in what now looks to be growing into a new YouTube trend, blowing shit up with hand grenades.

Beyond The Press and friend of the channel, explosives maestro Pommi Henkka, introduce their experiment by asking, “Is it a cool idea to pick [a] bicycle lock using [a] hand grenade?” In order to fully answer this question, the trio get warmed up by putting a grenade into a mailbox, which blows up both the box itself and the side of the shed it was hanging on.

Then they get to the bike lock. “Is it going to open? That’s the question,” one of the YouTubers asks as he crouches over the bike. “[Will] the bicycle be okay? That’s the second question. And is there any meaning to all of this? No.”

The bike is blown up and we’re told that a grenade does indeed stand in well for a lock pick or key. “Of course it’s [a] pretty loud way to open the bicycle lock,” the narrator says over footage of the explosion.

A block of text at the beginning of the clip states: “This video is just for entertainment. Don’t try to open locks with explosives!” As much enjoyment as we get watching YouTubers strap grenades to stuff, we’re glad that Beyond The Press, at least, takes the time to remind viewers that not everyone can follow their lead. If we’d like to enjoy a life filled with blowing things up, we simply have to earn that life the old fashioned way: starting a YouTube channel and befriending explosives experts.

[via Digg]

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