Good news, freaks: The guy who made the Bug's Life Fleshlight is back with one shaped like Shrek's ear

Good news, freaks: The guy who made the Bug's Life Fleshlight is back with one shaped like Shrek's ear
To be fair… get a load of those ears, right? Screenshot: Movieclips Classic Trailers

Last year, when pandemic lockdowns were still fairly new, an artist named Malek Lazri heaped fresh psychic horror onto a world already drowning in more than enough of it by creating and selling a Fleshlight modelled on the caterpillar from A Bug’s Life. In the time since unveiling his first boundary-breaking masturbation accessory nightmare, Lazri has continued to produce further work that lies at the intersection of pop art and psychological warfare.

Vice caught up with Lazri to hear about a year that’s seen his catalog expand to include the greasy-toed “Cindarelli Ugly Stepsister Glass Slippa Footjob Fleshlight,” the nauseating “Rata-Tool-Y (Chefs Kiss) Remy/Linguine,” the “Mrs. Incrediball Stuck Stepmom W/ Fabulous Dump-Truck Elastic Action,” and, the shining puke-emerald in this rough field of despair, the “Shreek Slughole,” which is a cartoon ogre’s ear in a green fuck-case wrapped in a little brown vest.

Lazri says he “just figured it was [his] duty to keep giving people what they wanted” after his Bug’s Life creation “was such a big hit.” With help from an airbrush artist and tailor, he’s continued summoning items from the void like a version of Larry The Cable Guy’s Cars’ car whose buck-toothed mouth can be penetrated by the most daring of buyers. In one of his rare, non-cartoon items, Lazri has also created the beer-themed “Fister’s Can Crusher,” which is advertised with the tagline: “Throw ur lil shrimp in the barbie!”

He says the Jessica Rabbit Fleshlight, a surrealist collection of body parts slapped onto a tube outfitted with a red sequin dress, is his favorite—his “low-key crush”—though “none of them are really sexual to me.” Rather, the work is “more about like, a continuation of merchandising, which is already absurd, and this just happens to be the most absurd juxtaposition of a character and an object.”

To witness more of these absurd juxtapositions for yourself, head on over to Lazri’s Instagram page. He has such sights to show you.

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