Good news, historical perverts: A "lost" Marilyn Monroe nude scene has been discovered

Welcome to Development Hell, the fiery pit into which we fling recent developments in casting, distribution, and everything else that’s new and mildly interesting in the Boschian phantasmagoria of the entertainment industry.

Don’t worry, folks: Hell is here for you. Whether you’re looking for exciting casting developments, archaeological smut, or just the hottest tips on how to avoid Kirstie Alley for the next few months, your resident news demons are here and on hand with all the news that’s fit to digest.

  • Good news, historical perverts: A long-thought-lost nude scene featuring Marilyn Monroe has now been recovered by film historians, who were presumably careful to wipe off their copious palm sweat before handling the lost relic. The sequence was reportedly shot for Monroe’s final film, John Huston’s 1961 feature The Misfits. Huston ultimately excised the shot—in which Monroe drops the bed sheet obscuring her body during a love scene with Clark Gable—for being gratuitous, but producer Frank Taylor apparently believed it was so, um, “important and so ground-breaking” that he decided to secretly preserve it. [via Deadline]
  • Greta Gerwig’s Little Women adaptation is getting increasingly huge, with THR reporting that Laura Dern is now also in talks to join the film’s cast, alongside Saorsie Ronan and Meryl Streep. There’s no word yet on which of Louisa May Alcott’s beloved characters Dern might choose to portray.
  • Speaking of great actresses, who wants to see Tilda Swinton as a Gothic ballet instructor who also happens to be a witch? (Trick question: It’s everyone.) Entertainment Weekly has a new, lovingly lurid shot of Swinton from Luca Guadagnino’s upcoming Suspiria remake, showing off the film’s bold colors (and the actress’ famously impassive demeanor). Suspiria is scheduled to slice its way into theaters on November 2.
  • Production is moving forward on ABC’s plans for a spin-off of its recently ended (and much-missed) sitcom The Middle. THR reports that the network has given a pilot production order for a series centered on Eden Sher’s good-hearted, unstoppable oddball, Sue Heck. The series would see Sue leave Indiana and college behind, attempting to make her way in the big ol’ city of Chicago.
  • Frequently troubled film studio Legendary is getting back together with its old ex Warner Bros., albeit on much more distant terms than they’ve had together in the past. Variety reports that the Chinese-owned studio is looking to break ties with Universal—which is reportedly sick of financing flops and having to share profits on hits like the Jurassic World films, anyway—in favor of heading back to Warner Bros., which will charge its former partners a flat fee for American distribution of its films (including the upcoming Detective Pikachu and Godzilla: King Of The Monsters).
  • This Is Us is getting ready to show the face behind yet another Pearson family mystery, with Variety reporting that Michael Angarano—lately of I’m Dying Up Here, but who will live forever in our hearts as the star of Sky High—has joined the show as Jack’s brother, Nicky. The character will presumably spend all of his time deep in flashback land; Jack (Milo Ventimiglia) previously told his sons that his brother died while they were serving together in Vietnam.
  • The U.K.’s Celebrity Big Brother continues its explorations into how far a word like “celebrity” can stretch, with Deadline noting that the series’ next season will be importing a couple of Americans with recognizable names—former Veronica’s Closet resident Kirstie Alley and upsettingly Trump-adjacent adult performer Stormy Daniels—for its roster of minor reality TV figures. Daniels is being described as a “major get” for the show’s producers, which has got to be galling for Alley, we imagine.
  • Jesse Plemons has lined up a new film role, opposite Keri Russell. Variety reports that the Black Mirror and Breaking Bad star has joined the cast of Antlers, reuniting with his Hostiles director, Scott Cooper.
  • Finally: Conan is about to get a lot less musical. As part of the transition to a half-hour format for the TBS talk series, Conan O’Brien is ditching musical performances entirely. [via Variety]

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