Google Chrome would like you to know It Gets Better... especially if you use Google Chrome

Google Chrome would like you to know It Gets Better... especially if you use Google Chrome

In case you missed it during this week’s Glee (or were you too busy during the commercial break Gleeking out over Sue in a David Bowie outfit), Google Chrome released an ad featuring Dan Savage’s “It Gets Better” project.  At a minute-and-a-half, the video is a little long for a regular broadcast ad slot, but it’s certainly making its way around the web.  It tells the story of the genesis and viral growth of “It Gets Better,” featuring clips from several of the uploaded video contributions (hey, there Gaga, Woody and Glambert!) intercut with comments posted by inspired YouTube viewers.  The commercial builds to the following lesson: “the web is what you make of it.” We couldn’t agree more.

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