Google Music launches with a bunch of free music from Pearl Jam and the Rolling Stones

Google Music launches with a bunch of free music from Pearl Jam and the Rolling Stones

The techno-corporate overlords at Google officially launched its cloud-based music service Google Music today, including an MP3 store that functions like other digital music services like iTunes and Amazon while allowing users to store up to 20,000 songs free of charge that are accessible from any computer or Android mobile device. You can also share one free play of purchased songs with friends via Google+. Hey, remember Google+? That's still a thing, right?

To further entice music fans into trying out Google Music, the service is handing out free songs from bands like the Rolling Stones, which is offering up the previously unreleased live record Brussels Affair (Live, 1973), and Pearl Jam, which posted a live show from Toronto recorded on the 10th anniversary of Sept. 11. Other artists giving away music on Google Music include Coldplay, Busta Rhymes, and Tiesto, reports Spin.

The only thing you won't find on Google Music for the time being is music from Warner Music Group, which has not yet reached an agreement with the company to sell songs by artists like Green Day, Mastodon, and Wiz Khalifa.

If you'd rather skip all the words we just typed and get a video tutorial on Google Music, check out the clip below. [via Pitchfork]

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