Gordon Ramsay is roasting amateur chefs on Twitter

Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsey does not suffer fools. Not suffering fools, after all, is how he found fame stateside. On shows like Hell’s Kitchen and Kitchen Nightmares he flings invective with hilarious brio—“It’s RAWWWWW!” he loves to scream while jamming his fingers into undercooked meat—but he’s also shown a softer side with his hosting role on Masterchef and its kid-centric counterpart. On Twitter, however, he’s been indulging the former by roasting anyone brave enough to send him a photo of their home-cooked dishes.

While Ramsey clearly loves thrashing the culinary challenged, this could very well be a way of marketing his new online MasterClass. Who better to take a cooking class from the hot-headed Brit than the most willing of masochists?

Ramsey’s not just a hater, however. He’s got advice, too.

He’ll also give props where they’re deserved. The bonus of his sharp tongue is that it makes a genuine compliment from him that much more gratifying.

That said, this is the same guy who hated on Girl Scout cookies, so let’s maybe take his opinion with a grain of salt.

[via New York Magazine]

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