Gordon Ramsey tells some spicy wings to fuck off

To kick off season eight of their wildly popular YouTube series, the heat-seekers from First We Feast welcomed a guest they’ve been trying to get in the Hot Ones seat since the very beginning: Celebrated chef and famous shout-y guy, Gordon Ramsay.

Ramsay tears through the first few wings with aplomb, breezily sharing stories about the chefs that influenced his career and the Master Chef Junior contestants he remembers best. It isn’t long, however, until the heat sneaks up on him, prompting the chef’s notorious potty mouth to spit swears and flames in equal measure. “Fuck, my heart is beating as well, like a fucking drum. What is going on with these fucking wings?” Ramsay laments, fidgeting uncomfortably in his chair as he responds to cruel critical assessments of his food and, hilariously, the idea of putting something called “donkey sauce” on your menu.

Considering the Michelin star chef is typically the one doling out punishment, it’s quite the treat to see him devolve into a sweaty, profane mess over the course of thirty minutes. We’re sure some former Hell’s Kitchen contestants are enjoying the hell out of this.

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